Dr. Petrik納米碳HRCM主要應用(applications):
Energy (including nuclear energy, electricity and heat) production
Oil and gas extraction and processing industry
Machinery (including aircraft production, creation of special tools and equipment
Metallurgy (non-ferrous metals)
Chemicals (including synthetic gasoline, absorbent, fire, rubber, paint, carbon fiber electrodes, graphite stick, pencil and soda, washing means and coolant "dry ice", etc.)
Food industry (sugar and other food production)
Fuel gasification (generators and steam manufacturing)
Health (implantable artificial heart valves and electrodes)
Jewelry industry (processing of natural and synthetic diamond production)
Toxic wastes and chemical warfare agents destroyed
High-quality post-processing water
Localization and fire toxic and flammable liquids on land and water
Of accidental leakage of petroleum and petroleum products on land and water surface, eliminating the corresponding soil remediation
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Remove tobacco smoke polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are powerful carcinogens and air prevention
Water retention in sandy and soil alkalization
Heat pipes and boiler equipment corrosion protection
Sewage treatment
Dr. V.I. Petrik